LCW Book Launch: Dr. Joan Steidinger, CMPC, Author of Stand Up and Shout Out 🗓

Joan SteidingerLEFT COAST WRITERS BOOK LAUNCH:  Stand up and Shout Out: Women’s Fight for Equal Pay, Equal Rights and Equal Opportunities in Sports

Saturday, March 14, 2020 || 7pm
Book Passage-Corte Madera|| 51 Tamal Vista Dr. Corte Madera ||

Women, take action! Join the crowd for an impassioned discussion between women and the men who support them with Dr. Joan Steidinger, CMPC.

Today, women have greater opportunities to participate in sport than ever before, particularly due to the passage of Title IX in 1972. Yet, despite all this growth, women still struggle to hold leadership positions, become coaches of both girls and boys teams, receive equal pay, and get even adequate coverage in the media.

In Stand Up and Shout Out: Women’s Fight for Equality in Sports, Joan Steidinger explores the three crucial areas in sport that remain huge concerns for women: leadership, money, and media. Steidinger looks at the number of ways in which women experience vast inequalities by examining topics such as the politics of sport, sexual assault, the #MeToo movement, pay equity, women in coaching positions, and the experiences of women of color and LGBTQ athletes. Interviews with leading authorities in the field and prominent female athletes are interwoven throughout to add both expert and personal perspectives to the conversation.

Stand Up and Shout Out does more than just inform readers about these important issues; its purpose is to create enlightened discussions around the unequal treatment of women and present readers with “action steps” so we can all become active contributors toward improving this situation. This is an ideal time to fight for women’s equality in sport, as it draws attention to the growing need for advocacy for girls and women around the world in all areas of life.

Dr. Joan Steidinger, CMPC, is a Certified Consultant through the Association of Applied Sports Psychology and on the United States Olympic Committee’s Sport Psychology Registry. The author of the award-winning book, Sisterhood in Sports, she has written columns online for and She has worked as a sports psychologist forclose to 30 years with offices in Mill Valley and San Francisco. In the 1990s, she was a competitive ultrarunner and competitive Ride and Tie participant. You will see her running the trails of Mt. Tam in Mill Valley, California where she lives with her husband, JP, and two goldie dogs, Spencer and Parker.

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