Out of This World! Travel to Other Worlds Writing Fiction, Fantasy, and Sci-Fi with Linda Watanabe McFerrin
Saturday, October 29th
10am-4pm at Corte Madera Book Passage
It’s a far-out, jet-propelled day of creativity and imagination.
Join Linda Watanabe McFerrin well-known travel writer, editor
and author of award-winning novels in a day of world building,
plotting and adventure into new literary realms.
Bring manuscript and project ideas to troubleshoot, discuss and dissect.
Poet, travel writer and novelist Linda Watanabe McFerrin (www.lwmcferrin.com) is the author of award-winning books of long and short fiction and editor of twelve anthologies. She has judged numerous literary competitions, led workshops all over the world, and mentored a long list of accomplished writers and best-selling authors toward publication.
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