As we all know our very own Left Coast Writer Chana Wilson has recently put out an amazing new book, Riding Fury Home. Of course it has received many glowing reviews, and we’d like to share some with all of you. Click the titles of the publication for the full review:
“As a work of socially relevant art, this memoir is above reproach. As a historical document, it is both lamentation of a shameful past and evidence of how far we’ve come.”
-Elizabeth Kenndedy, SF Chronicle
“It quickly becomes clear from the beginning pages of this memoir that although Chana Wilson is a first-time author, she is a masterful storyteller. This book is almost impossible to put down…”
-Rachel Pepper, The Bay Area Reporter
There are also great reviews in The Advocate, SF Weekly, and Seattle’s The Stanger, among others.
You can also read more about Chana’s book on her website, Facebook page, or buy a copy on Amazon or at a bookstore near you!
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