LEFT COAST WRITERS BOOK PARTY: Osprey Orielle Lake, Author of Uprisings for the Earth: Reconnecting Culture with Nature

Monday, , 2010 || September 13, 6pm
Book Passage || Ferry Plaza
San Francisco || www.bookpassage.com
Osprey Orielle Lake is a lifelong advocate of social and environmental justice issues. She has traveled to five continents studying ancient and modern cultures while making presentations at international conferences and universities. is the Director of the Women’s Earth and Climate Caucus and on the governing Board of Praxis Peace Institute. Osprey She is the Founder/Artist of the International Cheemah Monument Project and is creating eighteen-foot-tall bronze sculpture monuments for permanent display in cities around the world. Three are placed in Germany, Spain and the United States and are now places to ponder a better future for the earth and humanity. With a unique perspective as a renowned international sculptor and public speaker for environmental issues, Lake has been featured on national and European television.
Uprisings for the Earth: Reconnecting Culture with Nature delves into a new kinship with nature while acknowledging the treasures of urban life and the unique stake each person has in resolving critical and timely challenges. It offers a frank inquiry into the causes leading to the current global peril while also providing a deep well of hope and insight. Whether you are an agent for social, environmental or political change, newly awakened to environmental threats, or a lover of natural history and literature, consider this book required reading for its inspiration, innovation and hope for the Earth and future generations.
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