Literary Salon: Tom Christensen

LEFT COAST WRITERS® LITERARY SALON: Tom Christensen, Author, Editor and Translator and author of 1616: The World in Motion

Tom Christensen
Tom Christensen

Monday, February 2nd, 2015 || 7pm
Book Passage-Corte Madera|| 51 Tamal Vista Dr. Corte Madera ||

Sometimes we get surprised. You will be tonight when Tom Christensen makes an exciting, albeit unexpected salon appearance. Perhaps you saw the profile in yesterday’s paper. If not, you’ll get to meet the well know author, editor and translator this evening.

Thomas Christensen has published more than twenty books as author, editor, or translator. His two most recent books, 1616: The World in Motion and Landscape with Yellow Birds (a translation of the poetry of José Ángel Valente), were both nominated for Northern California Book Awards. 1616 was given a starred review and named one of the best history books of its season by Publishers Weekly. He was a senior editor at North Point Press and executive editor of Mercury House Publishing. Under his direction, Mercury House was nominated for a Carey-Thomas Award for excellence in publishing. He received a special award for dedication to translation from the American Literary Translators Association. A collection of his essays, entitled River of Ink, was published in December 2014 by Counterpoint Press.