Nancy Bruning of Nancercize Join the conversation on blogtalk radio Thursday, November 19th at 9a.m. PST with Nancy Bruning, creator of Nancercize, and author and LCW founder, Linda Watanabe…
A series of workshops set in the South … April 13-19, 2010 Writing and Photography Workshop with Linda Watanabe McFerrin and featured local photographers … Charleston and the South Carolina…
Byron says … We had a full house Monday when Byron Belitsos explored the dance of publisher and author at the Literary Salon in a talk that addressed literary matches:…
POETRY PUBLICATION WORKSHOP with C.B. Follett, Susan Terris, and Rebecca Foust Saturday, November 7, 2009 || 10am – 1pm Book Passage-Corte Madera || 51 Tamal Vista Dr. Corte Madera…
Linda Watanabe McFerrin This time last week I was still in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where I was a workshop leader and panelist at the 31st Nimrod Literary Awards Conference for Readers…
LEFT COAST WRITERS BOOK LAUNCH: Wendy Nelson Tokunaga, author of Love in Translation Wendy Nelso Tokunaga Saturday, December 12, 2009 || 7pm Book Passage-Corte Madera || 51 Tamal Vista Dr.…
IT’S NOVEL OR NEVER ,,,, Tim Urlaub The folks at National Novel Writing Month have devised a plan so simple that even a knucklehead like me has trouble messing it…
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