Kevin Smokler is one of the nation’s leading thinkers on the future of contemporary
literature, publishing and the arts at large. He is the founder of The Virtual Book Tour
and editor of Bookmark Now: Writing in Unreaderly Times (Basic Books, June 2005),
an anthology that features this generation’s most intriguing young authors writing on the
state and future of literature in our media-saturated 21st century. Smokler’s essays and critiques have appeared in the San Francisco Chronicle, the Baltimore Sun, The Believer, Ready Made and on National Public Radio. Smokler also lectures nationwide (at Book Expo America, The Commonwealth Club, among other venues) on the future of reading and publishing, the literary life and the role of technology in the arts. His publishing consultancy serves such clients as Time Warner Book Group, Harper Collins, Mental Floss magazine and the Idea Festival.

Smokler holds a BA in Writing Seminars from Johns Hopkins University and a Masters in American Studies from University of Texas, Austin. He currently resides in San Francisco.



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