Left Coast Writers® Live: Denise Pinhey 🗓

Events, Radio
Melinda Adams AKA LilyCat On Sunday, November 20th from 12-2pm, join Left Coast Writers® Live on FCCFREE RADIO’s popular show, Lilycat on Stuff. Lilycat’s guest on Sunday will be Denise Pinhey.  Denise Pinhey writes…

Left Coast Writers® Live: Marianne Betterly 🗓

Events, Radio
Melinda Adams AKA LilyCat On Sunday, October 16th from 12-2pm, join Left Coast Writers® Live on FCCFREE RADIO’s popular show, Lilycat on Stuff. Lilycat’s guest on Sunday will be Marianne Betterly.  Marianne Betterly writes poetry…

Left Coast Writers® Live: Bill Zarchy 🗓

Events, Radio
Melinda Adams AKA LilyCat On Sunday, September 18th from 12-2pm, join Left Coast Writers® Live on FCCFREE RADIO’s popular show, Lilycat on Stuff. Lilycat’s guest on Sunday will be Bill Zarchy.  Bill Zarchy is a writer…

Left Coast Writers® Live: Eboni Harris

Events, Radio
On Sunday, August 14th from 12-2pm, join Left Coast Writers® Live on FCCFREE RADIO’s popular show, Lilycat on Stuff. Lilycat’s guests on Sunday will be E. Ardell.  E. Ardell spent her childhood in Houston,…

Left Coast Writers® Live: Dick Jordan

Events, Radio
On Sunday, July 17th from 12-2pm, join Left Coast Writers® Live on FCCFREE RADIO’s popular show, Lilycat on Stuff. Lilycat’s guests on Sunday will be Dick Jordan, who will be chatting about Cuba, travel…

Left Coast Writers® Live: SSAC Writers

Events, Radio
On Sunday, June 19th from 12-2pm, join Left Coast Writers® Live on FCCFREE RADIO’s popular show, Lilycat on Stuff. Lilycat’s guests on Sunday will be Southern Sampler Artists Colony Writers. It’s another celebration…

Left Coast Writers® Live: K. Hamilton

Events, Radio
Melinda Adams, aka Lilycat On Sunday, March 13th from 12-2pm, join Left Coast Writers® Live on FCCFREE RADIO’s popular show, Lilycat on Stuff. Lilycat’s guest on Sunday will be K. Hamilton. Inspired by…

Left Coast Writers® Live: Ivan Light

Events, Radio
Melinda Adams, aka Lilycat On Sunday, January 17th from 12-2pm, join Left Coast Writers® Live on FCCFREE RADIO’s popular show, Lilycat on Stuff. Lilycat’s guest on Sunday will be Ivan Light, Author of Deadly…